This Post Is Not a Book Review...

Because I'm going to be honest, I haven't felt like reading.

If you are a teacher, or in education of some kind, you can understand it when I say... I AM TIRED!!! Exhausted! Worn out!

As I am typing this, it is the last Monday of the school year. Although that comes with the excitement that many people believe it does, it also comes with stress as you end a year and partly begin thinking about the next school year.

Needless to say, I haven't really given a lot of energy to my reading. I've read here and there -- I have only finished one book in May and Goodreads LOVES to tell me that I am 7 books behind schedule for my goal this year (which I will inevitably change by November to whatever number I'm closest to). I've mostly felt like going home and just staring at Netflix or my phone.

So this isn't a review post, because, to be honest, I don't really have much to review.

This is my "what I'm going to read this summer" post. Not just to showcase some good books, but to also hold my feet to the fire to make myself read more.

First, I'm going to finish the two books I'm reading.

Current Reads:

The Other Bennet Sister is Hadlow's Pride and Prejudice take through Mary's eyes. Don't know yet if I care about Mary enough and Hadlow makes a lot of choices that I don't think Jane Austen would have taken.

Four Aunties and a Wedding is Sutanto's follow up to Dial A for Aunties, which I loved! In Wedding, Meddy and Nathan are getting married and everything is perfect until she finds out her wedding vendors are the mafia and are out to kill someone at her wedding. So far, it's ok, but not as good as Aunties.

What I plan to read this summer:

The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley- I love Lucy Foley. She can make a turd feel riveting, so I've excited to read this.

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center- I love Katherine Center too and the woman is the bodyguard in this scenario? Sign me up!

Family of Liars by E. Lockhart- We Were Liars by Lockhart is one of my favorite books ever. Seriously, stop what you are doing and go read it. This is the prequel, so I'm definitely excited to read it!

The Maid by Nita Prose- If Amelia Bedelia investigated a murder. I'm 5th in line for it at my public library, if that tells you anything about its popularity.

These are just a few of what I hope to read this summer. As any good educator knows, summer is fun, but it's also about planning for next year too.

What are you reading this summer?

My name is Laura. I am a librarian and review books on The Alabama Take. You can follow me at bamareads on Instagram where I also talk about books. I really like talking about books.  It’s nice to be here. :)

Yes we do.
Laura Lott
Laura Lott
Staff Writer